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Channeled Message from the Arcturian Council of Light: Acting on the guidance you receive

June 11, 2023

Hello everyone!

I am beginning to learn the signals that I receive that alert me to an incoming channeled message. When I am already in a meditative state or not doing another activity, they will just come through. However, at times they come through at inopportune times, like when I'm busy doing something completely not related.

This evening, I was on my computer and not expecting a channeled message to come through. But I wasn't surprised... more like validated.

I recently received guidance on a few separate occasions that I need to ground more often. It is especially important for me to ground often because my upper chakras are quite active since I spend a lot of time connecting to higher frequencies. Grounding is extremely important, and I heeded the messages I've been receiving, and the urges I've been getting to get out into nature.

This weekend one of my main goals was to find places around where I live that would allow me to ground in nature, by placing my bare feet on the Earth, absorbing some direct sunlight and potentially getting into some natural water sources. My boyfriend and I found a couple of different spots and lakes! We took full advantage. I even spent time meditating in nature, during which I received another channeled message (this will be another blog post though).

I mention this because it is essentially what the channeled message below is about. If you are looking for more connection, listen to those urges to get out into nature or whatever they may be. Today was a perfect example of this for me: receiving messages, paying attention, and taking action.

Now for the channeled message that I just received:

"Ashley, we are pleased to be with you today. It is the Arcturian Council of Light. We have a message for the collective that is of great importance. We would like to acknowledge that many messages have been in regard to manifesting and pinpointing, focusing, the content of your thoughts and therein the frequency -- or vibration (as you like to describe it)-- of these transmissions.

As important as it is to focus your intentions, it is equally important to act upon them. Review the information that you are receiving, either through readings or channeled for yourselves and understand, please dear ones, that this information must be integrated and acted upon.

We would like to emphasize the "action" that it is necessary for you to take, for you are in a lower vibrational resonance which slows the creation of matter from your thoughts. It is in this experience of being "human" that you are learning not only to be clear in your intention but to also be clear in your actions. We invite you to consciously act up on the urges, or inclinations (as Ashley would like to say :)).

If you are feeling an urge to spend more time in nature, perhaps to hug a tree or dip your toes into the water, these urges are messages from your higher selves, your divine teams, to elicit action from you in a manner that will aid your connections that you are in fact searching for.

If you are wondering "how may one connect with themselves more deeply", and if you are actively seeking the instruction or resources for these connections, you will indeed receive the answers in one way or another. But you must also act on those impulses that lead you to the answers.

As you attune yourselves to the messages you are receiving, and act upon them, you will notice that there is more ease in the connections you are able to make on an etheric and galactic level. Many of you have been asking for contact and it may be facilitated at this time. There are things you can do as individuals to invite these experiences to you for your highest good, your most beneficial timeline.

Raising your frequency, stepping away from a fear mindset and into a place of gratitude and expansion, open-mindedness if you will, are factors in the process that will further enable these experiences to occur in your energy field.

We invite you to explore, to dream, to act and to convey or share your experiences. This will allow others to also experience these types of contact or interactions on a more tangible level.

This is all for now. We would like to express the grandest gratitude, thank you and good day, dear souls."

- The Arcturian Council of Light

*This channeled message ended at 18:08 EST. The meaning of 1808 is, "you are surrounded by guardian angels", and "changes are high for you to achieve success if only you exercise your gift."


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Destinie Tatum
Destinie Tatum

Love this message and thank you so much for sharing! It is so important to act on (alchemize) the wisdom we receive and integrate it into our being <3 Destinie

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