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Channeled Message: Togetherness

June 11, 2023 - Sunday

I received this channeled message from three groups simultaneously last Sunday, on June 11th. I received two channeled messages that day. The first came through while I was meditating by a lake. The second message came through later in the evening (you can read it here).

The three groups this first message originated from are:

The Council of Light

The Arcturians

Guardians of the Light

Each of the groups is a collective consciousness with the same love and goals for humanity; this is how they were able to all come through at the same time with this one message. It was in alignment.

The channeled message:

"We would like to share a message with you and your collective. The message is about togetherness. It is an experience to be one and be many. This time is very much made of individualistic ideals and tendencies. However you all seek togetherness, whether it is on a level not known to you or manifested as loneliness. It is important to find time to connect with yourselves as it is equally important to find

connections within others.

Many of you feel a pull to explore the stars at this time as there is awakening in you a sense of urgency to connect with your galactic families and learn about your galactic origins. This is all in divine timing. It is a part of your awakening. For as you continue in this great ascension, you will feel the reunion with your higher selves on a deeper soul level. You will reawaken to the divine essence that is all of you, individually and collectively. And you will remember that you are eternal in thought, in memory, in deed.

The Akash holds all that is, all that will be and all that has been. It is all now. Exploration in this…… “realm” will further allow you to find the answers, the guidance, the messages that many of you seek. You may explore it individually, in groups or as a collective. This exploration will be much like dear Alice as she shrank down to enter the “rabbit hole” so to speak.

As you remember that you are all one, you will remember your part in the grand plan of knowing thyself, and understanding that you are each other. As you explore this new knowing, you will find that gathering with others that are also remembering will simply flow into your reality. Worry not, dear souls. Your reality is ever changing. Welcome the prosperity. Welcome the love. Welcome the reunion of the light that is within all of you, connecting each of you in a level that you do not fully yet understand.

But please know that you will remember and you will understand.

You will all feel the greatness within you and without, for your current “Earthly” experience is merely a journey of remembering. Enjoy the peaks and the dips. For it is a privilege to explore yourselves in this physical, slower manifestation.

We love you. It is with much love and gratitude that we watch each of you bloom into your true soul selves. And we look forward to meeting you in your dreams, in your meditations, in your waking reveries, in your gardens of thought, and your seas of expansion. It is and will always be a pleasure. Thank you, dear souls. We leave you with this. Gratitude. And happy expansion.


The Council of Light, The Arcturians, Guardians of the Light"

This channeled message ended at 12:02. The Angel number meaning of 1202 is “ascended masters are in your life”


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1 Comment

Destinie Tatum
Destinie Tatum
Jun 14, 2023

Yes! What a beautiful message. I am so excited to hear more!

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