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Distinguishing Intuition or Higher Guidance from the Ego

One of the most crucial skills to develop is the ability to distinguish between your intuition or higher guidance and your ego. This inner discernment can profoundly impact the choices you make, the paths you take, and your overall well-being. But how can you tell the difference between these two internal voices? This article explores strategies to help you navigate the subtle nuances of your inner dialogue.

Understanding Intuition and the Ego

Before getting into the ways you can distinguish between your intuition and ego, it's essential to have a clear understanding of what these terms mean:

Intuition or Higher Guidance

Often described as your inner wisdom or the voice of your soul, intuition is a deeper knowing that transcends logic and reason. It's a source of guidance that often feels calm, clear, and aligned with your highest good. Intuition can provide insights, solutions, and a sense of purpose.


The ego, on the other hand, is the voice of your self-identity, influenced by your beliefs, fears, desires, and insecurities. It often seeks validation, control, and security and can manifest as a louder, more urgent voice that may be rooted in egoistic needs and biases.

Recognizing the Differences Between Intuition and Ego

There are some marked differences between receiving messages via your intuition and your ego. See below for a few of the tell-tale signs that can help you to figure out whether it's higher guidance coming through or your ego chiming in.

1. Clarity vs. Confusion:

Intuition: Intuitive guidance tends to be clear and direct. It often arrives as a quiet, persistent knowing, without doubt or confusion.

Ego: Ego-driven thoughts can be scattered and filled with doubt. They may vacillate between different options and frequently seek validation or reassurance.

2. Peace vs. Anxiety:

Intuition: Following your intuition usually brings a sense of inner peace and alignment with your true self. It feels right, even if it challenges your comfort zone.

Ego: Ego-driven decisions may lead to anxiety or discomfort, as they often stem from fears, attachments, or the need to protect your self-image.

3. Timelessness vs. Urgency:

Intuition: Intuition operates in the realm of timelessness. It doesn't rush you into hasty decisions but encourages patience and trust in divine timing.

Ego: The ego often creates a sense of urgency, pushing you to make quick decisions based on external pressures or a fear of missing out.

4. Expansion vs. Limitation:

Intuition: Intuitive guidance usually leads to personal growth, expansion, and a sense of being in alignment with your purpose.

Ego: Ego-driven choices tend to maintain the status quo or limit your growth to protect your self-identity.

Practical Techniques for Distinguishing Intuition from the Ego

Being able to tell the difference between higher guidance and your ego takes self-awareness and practice. Below are some techniques to help you learn to distinguish between the two.

Meditation and Mindfulness

Regular meditation and mindfulness practices can help you quiet the ego's chatter and tune into your intuitive wisdom.


Keep a journal to record your thoughts, feelings, and the outcomes of your decisions. Over time, you can identify patterns and discern between intuitive guidance and ego-driven thoughts.

Body Sensations

Pay attention to how your body reacts to different choices. Intuition often comes with a sense of ease and lightness, while ego-driven decisions may feel heavy or constricting.

Seeking Silence

Spend time in silence and solitude to connect with your inner guidance. It's in these moments of stillness that your intuition can be most clearly heard.

Consult Trusted Advisors

Seek guidance from mentors, counselors, or trusted friends who can provide an outside perspective, free from ego-driven biases.


Distinguishing between your intuition and higher guidance , and your ego is an ongoing practice that requires self-awareness, patience, and trust in your inner wisdom. As you develop this skill, you'll find that making decisions aligned with your true self becomes more natural, leading to a life that resonates with purpose and authenticity. Remember that both intuition and the ego have roles to play in your life, but by recognizing their differences, you can make choices that serve your highest good and personal growth.


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