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Exploring the Infinite: My Astral Journey to Source Energy

By Ashley Brickhouse, June 28, 2023

cosmos, astral travel, source energy

Embarking on a mystical journey beyond the confines of physical existence, astral travel offers an incredible opportunity to connect with the boundless realm of source energy. It is an exploration of consciousness that transcends the limitations of the physical body, allowing one to venture into the cosmic tapestry of existence. This is the story of my awe-inspiring experience of astral travel to source energy, how it felt, what I learned and the transformative impact it can have on our spiritual understanding.

Before I get into my personal experience, let's go over a few key concepts to make sure we're all on the same page.

Understanding Astral Travel

Astral travel, also known as astral projection or out-of-body experience (OBE), refers to the phenomenon of consciously leaving the physical body and traversing through different dimensions or planes of existence. It is a state of heightened awareness where the soul or consciousness separates from the physical vessel and enters a realm beyond time and space.

Astral travel can be initiated through:

  • deep meditation

  • lucid dreaming

  • intentional techniques

The Essence of Source Energy

Source (or source energy), often referred to as the universal consciousness or the divine essence, is the primal energy that permeates all existence. It is the infinite and unifying force from which everything originates. Often described as pure love, wisdom, and divine intelligence— it is an eternal wellspring of love-light frequency, creativity and harmony that transcends human comprehension.

Connecting with source energy can bring:

  • profound insights

  • spiritual growth

  • a deep sense of inter-connectedness (oneness) with the universe

The Astral Journey to Source Energy

When you engage in astral travel with the intention to reach source energy, the experience is beyond words. As your soul separates from the physical body, it transcends the earthly realm and enters higher vibrational planes. The journey unfolds as a multidimensional odyssey, where you encounters celestial landscapes, celestial beings, and profound energetic vibrations.

Let's take a look at some of the key experiences that may accompany an astral journey to source.

Transcending Physical Constraints

During astral travel, the limitations of the physical body dissolve, and the consciousness expands into a state of pure energy. You may feel a sense of freedom and weightlessness, breaking free from the constraints of time, space, and physicality. Not everyone experiences this in the same way; your experience may likely be dependent on your primary or most-developed Claire-senses.

Consider how you receive messages from higher guidance, the universe, your spiritual team, spirit guides. However you experience these messages is likely to impact your experience of transcending the physical plane of existence while astral traveling.

Vibrational Ascension

As the journey progresses, you may experience a gradual elevation of frequency. The vibrational frequency intensifies, leading to a heightened state of awareness and connection with the universal energy grid. This ascent through higher frequencies (some refer to them as "dimensions", "densities", or "realms") brings you closer to source energy.

Initially, your spiritual team may guide you through this process, while offering comfort, support and reassuring assistance.

Unity and Oneness

At the threshold of source energy, a profound sense of unity and oneness pervades. You may feel an inseparable bond with the universe, experiencing the inter-connectedness of all beings and aspects of creation. The veils of separation dissipate, revealing the inherent divinity within all existence.

We all hold this knowledge within us, which makes journeying to source feel like a homecoming. It's familiar, nurturing, full of love and acceptance.

Divine Illumination

In the presence of source energy, you feel enveloped in a divine radiance that surpasses human comprehension. It is an illumination of the soul, a direct encounter with the divine light that illuminates the path of spiritual awakening. Profound insights, revelations, and spiritual downloads may occur, leading to a deep transformation of consciousness.

At this point, you may ask questions, or ask for specific experiences to help deepen your understanding of a concept. You may also be introduced to your soul through a divine reunion or perhaps your spiritual team.

Integration and Return

After basking in the energy of source, you eventually return to the physical body, integrating the experience into your physical, earthly existence. The memories, insights, and energy imprints gained during the astral journey to source energy continue to shape and guide your spiritual journey on the earthly plane.

Upon your return, it may be helpful to journal about the experience. If you prefer another method of documenting your spiritual journey a YouTube video, social media post, or audio-recording may resonate with you more.

Revisiting notes from your experience may be helpful in integrating the insights and downloads received during your astral journey.

My Astral Journey to Source

I was recently introduced to the astraltheta method of accessing the Akashic Records and traveling to source. At first, I explored the concept while in my own Akashic Records and learned that I have the ability of accessing this method without taking a class or workshop for it (a suggestion that my very Earth-based ego didn’t fully support). I’m often reminded that my spiritual journey is one of remembering, rather than learning “new” skills.

This morning, after following the breadcrumb path left by my spiritual team, I intuitively felt that it was time to explore this method through intentional practice.

Grounding and Meditation

First, I grounded myself and created a sacred space to open and access my clear channel. Then I used an isochronic tone 5Hz Theta Waves Meditation to get into a theta brainwave state.

Once I was in the theta brainwave state, I felt floaty. It’s similar to what hypnosis feels like where you’re still in control, but choosing to surrender in the moment. I set an intention and consciously chose to journey past the Akashic Records directly to Source.

Setting the Intention

As I made this decision, I could feel and see two of my guides joining me for the trip. It was as if they took me by the hands and guided me upward. I feel like it’s important to note that while I use the word “upward” it wasn’t a physically upward direction so much as a knowing that we were traversing higher frequency “planes”.

We journeyed through higher frequencies, past space and time. I had completely let go and had no thoughts outside of taking in what I was experiencing moment to moment. I felt extremely relaxed and free. The trip took almost no time, which makes sense considering we traveled “beyond time and space”.

Experiencing Source Energy

A vibrant purple light appeared before me in the distance and was filling the void I hadn’t even realized I was in. As I approached the purple “space” it became all that I could see and I felt as though I was peacefully enveloped by it.

I remember immediately feeling this immense love and recognizing my own immense capacity for love. My existence dissolved into the everything and nothingness all at once and I was no longer me, but everyone and everything. I distinctly remember thinking,

“I am part of everyone and everything, and they are all a part of me.”

While oneness is a familiar concept that I’ve spoken about while in my physical body, fully embodying this experience of oneness was an indescribable sensation. I felt this uncanny sense of returning home, like I knew this place; this was where I was from.

Meeting My True Self

Here, I was formally introduced to my soul. She appeared before me, surrounded by a golden glow; she stood like Wonder Woman on a battlefield, her hair blowing in a breeze that I couldn’t feel. I had no concept of my physical self; it was like I was seeing my own reflection in a giant mirror and finally understanding who I truly am. I was finally able to see my true self, and I was in awe.

It was empowering, familiar, and transformative.

Profound Insights and Downloads

I could feel downloads being inserted into my “knowing” almost like a physical sensation. Suddenly, a flow of inspiration, creativity and ideas began to flow through me and I knew that I was supposed to bring them back with me and manifest them into being in my physical life.

One of the most profound insights was that I am a “light-bringer”. As a light-bringer, part of my to-do list in this lifetime is to teach others how to increase their frequencies by traveling to source and bringing back higher frequencies into their physical bodies.

My soul showed me the process of my incarnation into this existence, how it was planned and executed. I can’t even begin to put it into words because the concepts were far beyond my previous human understanding of how incarnations works. But I can say that it was a truly beautiful process.

I also took some time to ask source the following question to help me authentically embody this feeling in my physical existence:

"What does it feel like to be worthy?"

It was a profound experience, to say the least. Self-worth and the fear of not being enough are feelings, concepts, pervasive and foundational belief systems that I’ve struggled with throughout my life.

It’s quite a prevalent part of this Earthly experience for many people and has been surfacing a lot lately in the collective. People are openly embarking upon their healing journeys, and are embracing the vulnerability it takes to discuss this experience.

Discovering the true embodiment of what it means and feels like to be worthy is a stepping stone I’ve been searching for my whole life. It seems quite fitting that I would finally experience it in my journey to the origin of love-light frequency that is source energy.

Returning to Consciousness

Words will never fully begin to describe my unfathomable experience journeying to source. However, I understand that it’s not necessary to use words to share this experience with others. We can all deepen our spiritual practice and learn to journey to source for our own unique experiences.

I’m sharing this story as proof that anything is possible if you believe. We are all powerful beings of love and light experiencing a physical self and learning to expand our consciousness to a point where we can remember who we truly are and what we’re capable of. The possibilities are truly endless and only limited by our own personal beliefs.

I encourage you to open your hearts and your minds, and to embrace your true soul selves on your own journeys of spiritual awakening.

Final Thoughts

Astral travel to source energy is a transcendent voyage that offers a glimpse into the infinite depths of consciousness and the inter-connectedness of all things. It is an opportunity to tap into the universal wisdom, love, and creative potential that flows through every fiber of existence.

Through intentional practice and open-minded exploration, anyone can embark on this transformative journey, potentially expanding your spiritual horizons and deepening your connection to the divine.

Disclaimer: Astral travel and related practices should be approached with caution and undertaken by individuals who have a solid foundation in meditation, energetic work, and spiritual development. It is advisable to seek guidance from experienced practitioners or spiritual mentors before engaging in these practices.

Remember, the exploration of astral travel and connection with source energy is a deeply personal and subjective experience. Each individual may encounter unique insights and interpretations. Embrace the adventure, remain open to the possibilities, and allow your own spiritual intuition to guide you on this extraordinary journey.

Safe travels and may your exploration of source energy bring profound growth and enlightenment to your spiritual path.


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